Canyon Road

The Gallery

Canyon Road: The Gallery is an online collaborative space where you can view the work of others and submit your own creations. Whether your written prayers are short or long, simple or complex, raw or refined, we invite you to submit them for review by our panel of curators. You are welcome to submit multiple prayers for consideration.

The Gallery will contain sixteen “exhibit halls” corresponding to the sixteen chapters of Canyon Road: A Book of Prayer. Please submit prayers that fall under one or more of the sixteen types of prayer published in Canyon Road.

ATLAS Spiritual Design only accepts original work; please do not submit prayers that have been written by another author or published elsewhere. No identifying information should appear in submitted prayers. ATLAS Spiritual Design reserves the right to edit and will retain the copyright on all submissions (for more information, see our Privacy Policy).

For submissions in languages other than English, please provide an English translation.

Prayers displayed in The Gallery will be attributed by author’s first name and location, or, if authors choose to remain anonymous, by location only.

Not ready to submit yet? Return later to visit The Gallery’s inaugural exhibit and collect inspiration as you practice the presence of God through the art of prayer.

Please keep my prayer anonymous.
You will find your access code on the bookmark accompanying the hardcover edition.

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